It's year 7 for Steelton Community Cats. One thing we've learned over the years is "no two surgery clinics are the same"!

Our May 2016 TNR Surgery Clinic turned out to be challenging for Drs. Diane, Meghan and Autumn of The Vetting Zoo Animal Hospital. If you’ve recently checked out SCC’s Facebook page, I’m sure that many of you have come to know Lottie - the seriously ill free-roaming cat that has captured the hearts of our friends and followers.
Lottie was first up on today's surgery schedule. With a prolapsed rectum, her life saving surgery was first up. It was tedious and long surgery, but, in the end, it saved her life. Lottie has proven to be a FIGHTER!
Next in line was a male cat that needed hernia surgery followed by a cat with a very severe flesh wound on its tail. Friday did not disappoint with our adventures in surgery. Drs. Diane and Autumn performed eye enucleation on both Lottie and anther cat. In addition to this, our fabulous veterinary team PURformed 55 spay and neutering as well as treating a number of these cats for wounds, URI's and dental work.
Prior to the surgery clinic, an avid TNR trapper and a dedicated SCC volunteer approached SCC asking if we would be able to help with a colony in the City of Harrisburg. Thanks to the grant money we were awarded from the Susan Giblin Foundation (which provides for funds to service outside of our service area) were were able to help!
Eighteen cats from this colony were trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and treated for well as treated for numerous injuries. We were so happy to help with a colony outside of the area we usually work in . More importantly, we were so happy to be able to say YES to people who reached out for help!