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What are "free roaming" cats?

You might be used to hearing the term "feral" cats when it comes to TNR programs.  We prefer to use the term FREE ROAMING because it is a more inclusive term for what we encounter in this business. They can be lost or abandoned pets, barn cats or strays.  Our program aims to reduce the overpopulation of all types of cats like this.  

I'm familiar with TNR, but what is TNVR?

While TNR addresses the familiar Trap Neuter and Return concept,  SCC has adopted the acronym TNVR.  The V in TNVR stands for vaccinated.  As an organization, we believe in TNR efforts but also recognize the importance of extending vaccination services ensuring there is no spread of disease to not only returned colony members but other free-roaming pet cats.  This concept increases the cat's chances of living out their lives in the communities  they are familiar with and ensuring all the other benefits of supporting a free-roaming cat colony. 

What is the difference between a TNVR Surgery Clinic and a Low Cost Vaccine Clinic

TNVR clinics are when we spend several days trapping, spaying or neutering and vaccinating free roaming (including feral) cats. TNVR is the most humane and effective way to manage and reduce free-roaming cat populations. TNVR stands for "TRAP the cats. NEUTER the cats, VACCINATE the cats and RETURN the cats to their original location (colony). This process also includes vaccinating every cat for rabies and distemper and removing an ear tip which identifies the cat as being neutered and vaccinated. This process is what we call "Stopping the Cycle". Many people wonder why organizations like ours want to return cats to feral cat colonies. There are many advantages to maintaining and keeping a feral cat colony: the spayed/neutered cats generally will not allow new cats into a colony, feral cat colonies are very effective in taking care of the rodent population in a community, and once feral cats are spayed/neutered/vaccinated, it eliminates the spreading of diseases (especially rabies) to humans and other animals.

Vaccine clinics, offered through our partnering veterinary hospital, are both a fund raising opportunity for us AND an affordable way for pet owners to have their fur babies vaccinated for the common vaccinations needed AND treated for flea and tick removal. Owners can bring their pets in for first round or booster vaccinations and save up to 80% on these services. 100 % of the proceeds raised from our vaccine clinics go directly towards maintaining our facilities and services.  The vaccines offered are the same vaccines recommended by the AKC. 

What is Spa Week?

Spa Week was a term coined when we first started SCC referencing the after-care we provide to our TNVR "guests" post-surgery.  We can house up to 80 cats during any given TNVR surgery clinic.  Our volunteer staff rotates shifts to provide observation, monitoring, and twice daily cleaning and feeding for our fur addition to any extra care they may need! They are provided luxFURious accommodations inside our heated and air conditioned facility and most volunteers are on-call for any additional needs they may need. Females are kept for at least 3 days post-surgery and males are kept for at least 2 days post-surgery.  With that being said, NO cat is returned until they are FULLY HEALTHY!                                                                                 SCC's Spa Week is what sets our TNVR clinic apart from any other!

I have a cat that needs a home.  Can SCC help me with that?

SCC is strictly a TNVR program.  We are not a rescue organization.  However, Central Pennsylvania has plenty of wonderful rescue organizations, many of which we partner with.  If you are in need of rescue and/or placement services, please reach out to us via email or phone for more information and we are happy to help you facilitate this process!

If I need help but it's not during a TNVR clinic, can SCC still help me?

Absolutely! If we have traps available and you live in one of our participating communities, we can loan you one for use.  We'd be happy to assist you with a little training on how to use the trap and provide you with some useful tips and tricks.  Depending on your location and situation, if a volunteer is available and willing to help on site, we can possibly arrange that as well. 

Official registration and financial information for Steelton Community Cats may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State.  


Post Office Box 7618

Steelton, PA 17113


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