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Who Are We & What Do We Do?

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Steelton Community Cats (SCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was originally started as a Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return (TNVR) program in Steelton, PA - a community, that at one point, was overwhelmed with widespread, overpopulated free-roaming cats. SCC is very proud to have taken the traditional TNR process and turned it into a true TNVR (the V standing for vaccination) as we believe it is our mission to not only return the cats to their colonies so they can no longer reproduce but to make sure each cat is vaccinated and healthy to return.  Out of a strong desire to humanely and efficiently tackle free-roaming cat colonies that were quickly becoming overpopulated, SCC was born. Since then, SCC has not only continued its TNVR program, we have extended our reach and efforts from Steelton Borough to Swatara, Lower Swatara, and Susquehanna Townships to help them reduce and care for their free-roaming cats.


Over the years, SCC has continued its dedicated TNVR program while expanding our efforts to offer low-cost spay-neuter services and vaccination services to Central Pennsylvania colony caretakers and pet owners. Click here to find dates and times for our upcoming clinics!


Since February 2010, more than 10,500 free-roaming and pet cats have been spayed and neutered through our "Stopping the Cycle" campaign which aims to reduce cat reproduction and overpopulation in our local communities. Free-roaming cats with injuries, health problems, or who were malnourished are cared for and rehabilitated at our facility. 


SCC is an award-winning program that has received national media recognition from animal rescue groups for its innovative approach to TNVR. Over the past 12 years, we have grown to a be a fully-equipped facility offering an on-site surgery suite partnering with The Vetting Zoo Animal Hospital who has graciously donated its veterinary services including head-to-tail medical exams at our monthly TNVR and surgery clinics.


SCC is very proud to work with several acclaimed rescue and animal service groups across Central PA.  Please consider visiting their sites to learn more about how you can help them grow and succeed.


Our organization is run entirely by the efforts of dedicated volunteers and is funded through donations and grant money.





Our Team

Official registration and financial information for Steelton Community Cats may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State.  


Post Office Box 7618

Steelton, PA 17113


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